
петак, 27. мај 2011.

Neuspeh države #2

1. U vezi sa poslednjim dešavanjima oko referenduma u Republici Srpskoj (ako se to uopšte razlikuje od onoga što se tamo dešava već više godina), kao i najave regulisanja verskog života u Crnoj Gori, linkujem tekst koji govori o izgradnji nacija „Is a nation something that can be built?“ iz časopisa Freeman.

In other words nations are spontaneous orders that emerge from the daily choices of people about the language they use and the other ways in which they participate in, or withdraw from, a variety of cultural forms. The people themselves constitute a “nation” by their individual choices.

While economists and other social scientists have a pretty good idea of what constitutes a functional nation, they have much less knowledge about how to bring a “failed nation” to that point. How nations emerge is a process that is both complex and unique to each particular country. All that we can do is get out of the way and let people figure it out for themselves.

"I don't know why Bildt needed to make contact with Al Khalifa so urgently but Twitter would likely be far quicker than normal diplomatic channels and he knows that someone will pick it up immediately."

3. Nacionalni plan regionalnog razvoja?!? Mislio sam da je problem sa regionalnim razvojem baš u tome što ima previše nacionalnog planiranja, pa onda opštine i regioni nemaju slobodu da raspolažu svojom imovinom i kreiraju samostalnu politiku. Ovako, malo je previše, čak i za predizbornu kampanju.

5. Autobuske stanice pred bankrotom. Ključne reči: komisija, kategorizacija, PKS, zakon, određivanje cena

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