
недеља, 25. децембар 2011.

Razumevanje slobode govora

Učesnicima protesta Occupy Wall Street je bilo dozvoljeno da borave na privatnom zemljištu i protiv volje vlasnika tog zemljišta, pod izgovorom da bi njihovo izbacivanje sa tog poseda predstavljalo kršenje slobode govora. Džorž Rajsman objašnjava zašto je to pogrešno i kako danas ne postoji pravo razumevanje slobode govora:
A major lesson to be learned from the occupation is that hardly anyone nowadays understands the meaning of freedom of speech. Contrary to the prevailing view, freedom of speech is not the ability to say anything, anywhere, at any time. Actual freedom of speech is consistent with respect for property rights. It presupposes that the speaker has the consent of the owners of any property he uses in speaking, such as the land, sound system, or lecture hall or radio or television studio that he uses.
Drugim rečima, vlasti su postupile pogrešno. Trebalo je da bude kao na ovoj fotografiji:

A ceo tekst Džordža Rajsmana se nalazi ovde.

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